Archipelago Sights Route cruises to Bengtskär lighthouse
Day cruises to Bengtskär lighthouse and Rosala Viking Centre. Welcome to the Archipelago of Southwest Finland!Coastal Route one-way trip from Bengtskär to Kimitoön
Read more about the one-way trips from Bengtskär lighthouse to Kasnäs, Rosala or Örö.Coastal Route one-way trip from Kimitoön to Bengtskär
Read more about the one-way trips from Kasnäs, Rosala or Örö to Bengtskär lighthouse.Eider duck safari
The best opportunity to see sea birds in Finland!Spring in the outer archipelago is a magical time. The little lighthouse island becomes home for hundreds of nesting eider ducks.From€71.00
With bus to Kimitoön!
It is easy to reach Kimitoön by public transportation from Helsinki, Turku or Salo! Travel time by bus from Helsinki is about 2,5 hours, from Turku or Salo about 1 hour.Örö boat tour
Welcome to Archipelago National Park!Beautiful and sheltered islands route. Departs from Kasnäs.From€16.00